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Dec 6, 2023





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PARENT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION 20XX Infancy (ages 0-2 years old) Savannah Nichols | 08/27/2023 | PSY-102 General Psychology Physical Development Physical milestones are typically referred to as the ages in which most children are able to accomplish something at. For example, right around a child’s first birthday, it is common to get questioned on if the child has started walking yet (CDC, 2021). Or about the six-month period, people often ask if the child can sit up on their own yet. After the first year come the more complicated learning hurdles like talking and being able to successfully assist in age- appropriate tasks, such as wiping their own face or putting their own arms through their shirt. The goal is to teach independence, so an adult’s assistance is required less and less. Cognitive Development Cognitive development is the growth of intellectual and mental abilities like talking, thinking, understanding and reasoning (CDE, 2022) . Since the brain of a child under the age of two is still developing at a rapid pace, cognitive development is being challenged all the time. Imitation is a large portion of how children learn and exhibit behavior. This is why children are also referred to as sponged because they soak up everything they see and hear. During cognitive development, children learn to ask questions and try to problem solve or figure things out. Their entire world consists of wondering what everything is for a long while until the cognitive development is complete but during the age range of zero to two, it will not be anywhere near complete yet.
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