
A Negative Relationship In Thomas King's 'Totem'

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In the short story “Totem” by Thomas King, it is very evident that the relationship between the totem pole and the museum workers is a rather negative relationship. The relationship is depicted in “Totem” as an overpowering, authoritative, and entitled relationship. The relationship between the totem pole and the museum workers is depicted through the museum workers such as Mrs. Hill, Walter Hooton, and the other worker’s reaction and constant need to remove the totem pole. Ultimately, the totem pole is symbolic in the story because it represents the Indigenous people in Canada. In King’s short story, the museum workers are constantly trying to remove the totem pole from the museum as Walter states that, “” the totem pole is not part of the show, and we need to move it someplace else”” (King 14). This quote accurately demonstrates the controlling nature of the museum workers because they attempt to remove the totem pole numerous times, but each time is as unsuccessful as the last. This correlates to Canadian history with the settlers trying to eliminate the Indigenous people in Canadian Society which was also unsuccessful. Additionally, another example that proves the controlling nature of the workers is witnessed when Walter attempts to find the owner of the totem pole instead of just leaving it in the show. Considering this, the whole notion of ownership is very different in Indigenous and non–Indigenous cultures. Indigenous culture believes that everything is to be shared and no one is an owner of anything. This concept is complete and total opposite in non-Indigenous culture as everything belongs to someone. Further, the museum workers believe they have authority over the totem pole because it is essentially in the museum which, they believe, belongs to them. However, in the short story it says that, ““[the totem pole] goes right through the floor”” (King 15). This shows that the totem pole was there before the museum was built and therefore, the workers do not have the right to remove it. Walter Hooton is one of the main museum workers trying to get the totem pole out of the museum. His reason for removal is that, ““this totem pole is not part of the show, and we need to move it someplace else””

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