
Alexander The New Jim Crow

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Alexander depiction of the criminal justice system as the “new Jim Crow,” I agree with this depiction. Moreover, to understand what Jim Crow of the 1950’s and 60’s were, fully grasp Alexander depiction of our current criminal justice system. Described by Alexander (2011) Jim Crow laws was placed throughout the South that institutionalized discrimination and racism. Blacks were denied the right to vote, access to education, employment, and housing. Consequently, allowing Alexander to draw her depiction of the “New Jim Crow.” As described by Alexander (2011) The mass incarceration of minorities.The denial of employment, housing and voting rights to people convicted of a felony crime. Thus, illustrating the correlation between the passed Jim Crow and as depicted by Alexander, the current “New Jim Crow.” The racial and class disparities are intersectionationalty. We see intersectionality within our current justice system. To understand, the racial disparities within our justice system as described by Krimsky and Simoncelli (2017) one must first understand the laws and the classification of crime that these disparities stand on. Moreover, the mere difference between crack cocaine and powder cocaine holds different consequences under the law. However, these two illegal drugs are made of the same substance, one is in rock form, and the other powder. To highlight the discontinuous within our justice system, we find that blacks are more likely to use …show more content…

2011. “The New Jim Crow” Pp 217.-224 in Rethinking the Color Line, 5th Edition, edited by Charles Gallagher. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Bobo, Lawrence, Thompson, Victor 2011. “Racialized Mass Incarceration” Pp 225.-230 in Rethinking the Color Line, 5th Edition, edited by Charles Gallagher. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Krimsky, Sheldon.Simoncelli, Tania. 2011. “Using DNA for Justice” Pp 234.-239 in Rethinking the Color Line, 5th Edition, edited by Charles Gallagher. New York, NY: McGraw

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