
Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451: Connections To The Modern World

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Sebastian Brunner Mrs.Pruett English 1H 3/27/17 Fahrenheit 451 Report In the novel Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury) we see many connections to the modern world. Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 is set in a dystopian future where the government controlled everything and books are banned. Writing ahead of his time Bradbury was able to predict many things such as the seashells which are earbuds and wall tv’s. He was very accurate in his predictions so it would be wrong to dismiss his motifs as impossible. In fact some things such as police brutality, suicide, and drug usage occur in the present already. In the article NYPD cop who killed unarmed teen quits before he’s fired a New York cop resigned after a trial for the shooting of Graham Ramarley during 2012. …show more content…

Throughout the novel suicide is ever present “‘ Fireman in Seattle, purposely set a Mechanical Hound to his own chemical complex and let it loose. What kind of suicide would you call that?’” (Bradbury, 29). This shows that even the firemen who are supposed to be saviours don’t want to live on this Earth anymore. The fireman let the hound loose on himself which others considered insane as the hounds kill in a brutal fashion of injecting prey with all sorts of chemicals. Another example is when Beatty says “‘Besides, these fanatics always try suicide; the pattern’s familiar.’” (Bradbury, 36). When someone is at the point of committing suicide rather than let their possessions burn the image of a corrupt mentally unstable society that no one would want to live in. Prescription drugs are not always safe such as Fentanyl. This is a drug prescribed to cancer patients to help deal with pain and it is 50 times more potent than heroin. Once a patient uses Fentanyl they are likely to get hooked and may try and get more in non doctor check states. These are places where prescriptions don’t need to be checked with doctors before distribution. The death rate of opioids such as Fentanyl has increased 72.2% since 2015 and continues to rise. Situations like this one occur often in Fahrenheit 451 as the society is drug and technology focused for

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