
Causes Of Mass Incarceration

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The Cause of Mass Incarceration mass incarceration is a big problem in the United States, it has affected our country multiple ways whether it gives our country a bad reputation with the highest number of incarcerated in the world, or it gives us a bad image and makes seem as if the United States is a dangerous and terrible place to live in. The rate of incarcerated has increased from 300,000 prisoners in the early 1970’s to 2.3 million today. Some of the causes of mass incarceration involve the war on drugs and racial discrimination. The war on drugs is a big factor in mass incarceration, as it is said in, “Drug arrests now account for a quarter of the people locked up in America” This means that more than half a million people are in prison due to use or possession of drugs. Another big factor to consider for a cause of mass incarceration is racial discrimination according to “One in three black men can expect to be incarcerated in his lifetime. Compare that to one in six Latino males and one in 17 white males.” This a very big difference between the three different races blacks having the highest probability of being incarcerated compared to whites. These are not the only factors of mass incarceration in our judicial system, there are many more flaws in our judicial system that has caused it to overflow prisons throughout the states. Therefore, what is the biggest flaw in our criminal justice system? That is causing the majority of incarcerations in the U.S. Racism is a big flaw in our criminal judicial system, just the fact that at least one out three African American males is expected to go to prison shows that racism plays a big part in mass incarceration. African Americans make up a majority of the prison’s population than any other race. Poor and segregated locations are more closely spectated and followed by police officers than wealthy locations because, they expect poor segregated area to be more dangerous because of the people who live there and how the environment around them looks like. Police officers should not discriminate people because, of their status and/or skin color. For example, in the book, “To Kill a Mockingbird” Atticus Finch proves the innocence of Tom Robinson a

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