
Cultural Experience : Texas A & M International University Essay

Decent Essays

Cultural Experience One April Moreno Texas A&M International University Cultural Experience One April Moreno Texas A&M International University Cultural Experience One This is my first interviewing anyone regarding their culture solely, and I interviewed my friend Jennifer on Skype. I have known Jennifer for a long time, and Jennifer is 27 years old. Jennifer is of African American descent. Jennifer’s parents reside in from Houston Texas, and they have lived there all their lives. Jennifer had Cajun roots, and her grandmother is white and her grandfather is Black. Her grandparents had an interracial marriage at a time when it was not acceptable. Jennifer’s grandfather and grandmother were born in New Orleans, Louisiana, and they experienced discrimination and unacceptance form others. Jennifer’s great-grandparents came to term with their relationship, and they were supportive, but not at first. Jennifer expressed being extremely proud of her Cajun, Anglo-Saxon, and African American ancestry. Jennifer comes from an upper middle class background, and it is a firm believer in working hard to achieve your goals. Jennifer works as a coach at a private school in Houston, Texas, and Jennifer went TAMIU on a scholarship. She played women’s basketball. Jennifer’s family are Baptist, and they are extremely religious. Her parents belong to the choir, and they all get together on Sunday at church, then later for brunch. Jennifer and her family volunteer at

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