
Distinctive Competency / Sustainability : Coca Cola

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Distinctive Competency / Sustainability Coca-Cola is the result of a patent medicine formulated in a small southern pharmacy over a hundred years ago. It has grown into a multibillion dollar international company. It also owns one of the most valuable brands in the world. Their Coca-Cola banner has won the world’s top brand 13 times on brand c-consulting firm Interbrand’s annual list (Fraser, 2012). In addition to its main product, Coke, the company owns over 3500 beverages. One of its core competencies is brand building. They have built their brand to have respectability and dependability. Their brand and logo are recognized all around the globe. It has actually become a new known on almost all households worldwide (RNWILKIN, 2009). It has taken much more than simply the brand and product to grow Coca-Cola in the number one leader in the soft drink market. Over the past 100 plus years, Coca-Cola has built a huge network of distribution and manufacturing networks. These collaborations that are superior to all others and all types of relationships are a distinctive competency for Coca-Cola. The way that they organize and plan their contracts has proven to be extremely successful and continues to keep Coca-Cola at the top of the market. They have been able to build relationships with suppliers, buyers, bottlers, manufactures, retailers and consumers that are strengthened by the degree of loyalty from both sides of these relationships. They continue to manage their company

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