
Douglass -- The Narrative Essay

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Debunking the Southern Secret

“Sincerely and earnestly hoping that this little book may do something toward throwing light on the American slave system, and hastening the glad day of deliverance to the millions of my brethren in bonds … relying upon the power of truth, love, and justice, for success in my … efforts and solemnly pledging myself anew to the sacred cause, I subscribe myself” (Douglass 76). With these words, Frederick Douglass (c. 1817-1895), an emancipated slave with no formal education, ends one of the greatest pieces of propaganda of the 19th century America: that slavery is good for the slave. He writes his autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave, as an abolitionist tool to shape his …show more content…

No one gave Douglass an explanation because this situation was customary on plantations. Douglass wanted to horrify his northern white readers by informing them that slaveholders regularly split slave families for no apparent reason. This obviously would upset Northerners because the family unit was the foundation for their close-knit communities. Multiple generations and extended families lived together or near each other. It was unimaginable to the readers that a society existed that took children away from their mothers without reason. Northerners would think of anyone who was part of such a society as a heartless monster (Quarles ix). Douglass wanted the northern whites to lash out against these heartless monsters and abolish slavery, thereby ending the cruel practices associated with the institution.
Another example of how Douglass used family values against southern slaveholders was in the treatment of his grandmother. When Douglass’s master decided his grandmother was too old and no longer useful, “they took her to the woods, built her a little hut … and then made her welcome to the privilege of supporting herself in perfect loneliness; thus virtually turning her out to die” (Douglass 28). This shows the lack of decency or gratitude on the part of slaveholders toward slaves that had faithfully, their entire lives, served their masters. This mistreatment enrages the readers, especially those

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