
Effective Learning Strategies Analysis

Decent Essays

I believe that my effective learning strategies mentioned previously will have a significant impact on my role as a teacher, both as a constructive and a hindering factor. Constructively, my effective learning strategies have proven success for myself in achieving a high academic standard and therefore I will be able to provide insights to students who have similar learning strategies and styles as I have, hence enhancing their learning experience and allowing them to achieve better learning outcome. My effective learning strategies in writing notes may influence my teaching strategy in which I may be more likely to set written tasks for students. This will influence the students to have more writing experience and practice on their writing …show more content…

Due to these learning strategies that I have employed previously, I will be more likely to incorporate these learning strategies in my teaching as these were previously successful for me. However, although these strategies were successful for me, it may not be successful for other students and therefore it could be a hindrance to my development as an effective teacher as I will need to overcome the hurdle to identify the different learning strategy and style of different students and develop my teaching style to suit the needs of the students rather than incorporating my previous learning strategies into my teaching blindly. It will also be important for me to develop a variety of teaching techniques in order to promote interest in students, inclusive and engaging learning environment, and both collaborative and autonomous learning opportunities for …show more content…

It will also be a challenge for me to challenge and question my own beliefs about learning and teaching to shift from a learner's perspective to a teacher's perspective. Some of these influences and challenges are already evident in my teaching experience at a tuition college and it will be a great journey for me to learn and tackle these

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