
Essay On Homework

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A high schooler comes home from school. He gets out his homework and gets started.The mom of the student said start your homework and then we will eat.The mom spends an hour at dinner, but the student is not done with his homework. He is asking his dad all types of questions, but he is too busy to help.That happens every day at this family home.When the boy got his test scores back later in the year, they were so low. Students have busy lifestyles and stress at home.They need time away from studies to appreciate what they learn.There are so many things that can help them prepare for life outside of school and giving a lot of homework causes stress to the student and family. I wanted to find a way to get schools to cut down on homework. Too many kids are doing badly on a test because of the time constraints and stress to complete homework. So let's do something about it. When I was researching, I asked myself “How can I get schools to cut down on homework?”After all the research that I did, it was clear to me that we can help the kids in school to have less homework.
Statistics about too much homework are illuminating: too much homework can lead to being counterproductive. After a school day, kids come home and do their homework that can cause stress to a family that has other needs or issues, such as low income. Too much homework can have a negative effect because they might be from a home that doesn’t have everything they need. They might not have parents or older siblings

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