
Essay On The Call Of The Wild

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In schools and counties all over, the book The Call of the Wild is being banned from 8th grade curriculum. For reasons such as that the book is based on true events, that the book describes actions of animal abuse that still occur today, and that banning books causes illiteracy and it caused by illiteracy, I do not believe that The Call of the Wild should be taken out of 8th grade curriculum.
As mentioned, The Call of the Wild is about events that actually happened. The Call of the Wild is about a gold rush. That gold rush was the Klondike Gold Rush, which took place in the late 1800s. The summary says, “He leads a comfortable life there, but it comes to an end when men discover gold in the Klondike region of Canada and a great demand arises …show more content…

It still happens in today’s society and I think it’s important for 8th graders to become aware of what it is and what it can cause. I think that the story does a good job of showing how dogs will be loyal to you if you treat them right. In a summary of the story, it’s explained how a man named Thorton shows Buck mercy and helps him. It also writes how later in the story, Buck will save Thorton from drowning. I think that reading this story will help children understand how to not treat animals and teach them that treating them right can give you loyal pets. I also believe that the story should be in the curriculum because if no one teaches kids about animal abuse and things that really happen, we shouldn’t be expected to know about it, but we are, and we should be informed on the things going on in the real world. I think that the entire story teaches us about very real things that we should be aware of. People may say that kids shouldn’t be reading books like The Call of the Wild that have events that include animal abuse and illegal things, but kids can’t always be shielded from the real world. I think that people who vote to have books banned don’t understand the power of literature and all that it can teach young

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