
Essay on Personal Freedom Song of Solomon

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Search for Personal Freedom Song of Solomon

Personal freedom is the ability to ignore societal and familial influences to find the true sense of self. Individuals are truly liberated when they are physically, mentally, and spiritually free. The search for personal freedom is exemplified in Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. The main protagonist, Milkman achieves personal freedom through attainment of knowledge, by confronting his family, and by overcoming the prejudices of society.

Knowledge is a primary factor in the attainment of personal freedom. This includes not only scholarly education but also awareness of historical heritage and familial legacy. The fact that African-Americans were held in human bondage cannot …show more content…

However, he eventually realizes that money will not satisfy what is missing from his life. He therefore, begins his search for his sense of self. Milkman metamorphosizes after his journey into his ancestral history which gave him the means to become personally free.

A second element essential for personal freedom is the ability to break familial ties that hinder or restrain us on our individual journeys. Milkman had the courage to leave his family to discover his sense of self. Everyone is affected by childhood events, but it is important that these incidents do not prohibit us from discovering our true selves. David Willbern in "Reading After Freud" states that "[p]atterns of expectation, satisfaction and frustration in early life provide templates for the gradual construction and emergence of self" (Willbern 160). Milkman aspires to evolve from their childhood nightmares to actualize their personal freedom.

Although Milkman lived in the Twentieth-Century and is not physically a slave, he is repressed by his family. Milkman's parents love him; however, Morrison refers to their love as an "anaconda love" as they squeeze the life out of Milkman and leave little room for growth and maturity. Ruth Dead is so possessive of Milkman that she continues to breast-feed him long after he should have been weaned as "his legs [were] dangling almost to the floor" (Morrison 13). When Freddie caught them in the act, Milkman "had been rechristened

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