
Lord Of The Flies Literary Devices

Decent Essays

Lord of the Flies Literary Analysis Setting, characterization and imagery are just a few examples of literary devices that can be used when writing and analyzing literature. These devices can be manipulated by the author in order to paint a mental picture in the mind of the reader. They can also be used to help the readers feel a connection between them and the characters in the story. Often times others use these literary devices and unless the reader pays close attention or re-reads they may miss them completely. One very important literary device that authors use is setting. They use this in order to help the reader feel like they actually can picture what the setting of the story looks like. This is very important to the story because if the reader does not have a good understanding of the setting, it can make the rest of the story very …show more content…

This literary device is very crucial to the author if they wish to keep the readers engaged and interested throughout the entire story. One example of Imagery in Lord of the Flies is when the author states “The coral was scribbled in the seas as though a giant had bent down to reproduce the shape of the island in a flowing chalk line but tired before he had finished.” (29). When the author says this it not only helps the reader picture the coral it also keeps the reader interested in the story. Another example of imagery in the story is when the author states “ He walked with an accustomed tread through the acres of fruit trees, where the least energetic could find an easy if unsatisfying meal.” (56). When the author says this he helps the reader imagine not only the way that the boy walked, but also that there were lots of fruit plants around but that the fruit was not very filling to

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