
Procurement Strategies

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Procurement Strategies Review Competition is fierce in today’s world and a business must work smarter versus harder. Many big name chain stores have achieved success but none like that of Wal-Mart. The following is a review of the Wal-Mart customer and his or her expectations of its procurement process. An additional review of how these expectations affect Wal-Mart’s strategies, policies, and procedures at both the domestic and global level is also included.
Internal “An internal customer is anyone you count on or rely upon to complete a task or a function or to provide you with information so that you can get your job done… and anyone who counts on you to complete a task or function or to provide them with information so …show more content…

Wal-Mart had a contract with a third party procurement firm in Asia. The firm used suppliers that would mark-up merchandise and resell that merchandise to Wal-Mart. The company has reduced costs, lead times, and eliminated the middleman mark-ups. In 2002, Wal-Mart began to buy directly from the manufacturer to procure a better price. According to Stundza, (2006), “ Wal-Mart has global procurement and supplier alignment teams responsible for identifying new suppliers, sourcing new products, building partnerships with existing suppliers, and managing the global supply chain of Wal-Mart’s direct imports.”

Figure 1: Wal-Mart’s Procurement Process Conclusion Wal-Mart is the leader in its industry and continues to grow in popularity among the consumer. The reason for its growth in popularity is its promise to deliver quality products at low prices. Wal-Mart can influence its suppliers in a way that ensures a low price on the products it sells. Wal-Mart expects its suppliers to follow its lead in giving the customer what he or she expects and will continue to grow in consumer popularity as a result.

Earl, D., (2004). What is internal customer service? Donna Earl Training, Retrieved from
Kaufman, L. (2009, August 11). Wal-Mart 's Backward Business Revolution. Retrieved from

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