
Reflective Essay English

Decent Essays

Throughout junior year of high school, I always wondered why English was my worst subject. I thought to myself, “How can someone, whose first and only language they speak and know, be so horrible at it?” I could easily find the solution of a composed function in my math class, yet I had a difficult time matching words to their definition when the answer was literally right there. I was in a classroom filled with many peers who were at the top of the class as well as prospects for Ivy League schools, if not recognizable universities. Although I spoke to many of them, I was always nervous when they would read my essays in peer reviews. I felt I was too dumb, especially in English Literature. bell hooks sampled a poem by Audre Lorde, and it states, “When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard not welcome / but when we are silent we are still afraid” (4). This is exactly how I felt each time I would attempt to write an essay. I would be in fear that whatever I wrote was foolish and it would be laughed at. This fear would be over come after my bubbly English teacher, Mr. Aguilar, would read out one of my essays that I wrote; however, this glory was short lived as I found another flaw in my writings--timed writing assignments. Mr. Aguilar would often have us do essays over the weekend, albeit I did take quite awhile brainstorming, I was able to get a decent one in; that is until he started making us do timed essays, and I would go into a panic. Each class was only

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