
Rhetorical Analysis Of Speech In The Virginia Convention By Patrick Henry

Decent Essays

Patrick Henry Rhetorical Analysis Governor of Virginia, Patrick Henry, in his “Speech in the Virginia Convention” asserts the fact that they must stand against the British and fight for their freedom. He musters a great amount of patriotism through his eloquent tone in order to rile the people up to fight for freedom. Henry’s purpose is to encourage Americans to become independent from the British and to display American patriotism. Throughout the speech, Henry elaborates his purposes through the use of imagery, rhetorical questioning, and allusion in order to encourage Americans to become independent from the British crown. Towards the end of the speech he wonders “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?” This evokes fear into the minds of the people and the thought of this angers them enough to make them think to declare independence. Henry continues on saying we have a tendency to “shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she …show more content…

Allusion is also used here as the siren represents the British monarchy which they must stand up and fight against. Lastly he uses a declarative sentence and says “Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of

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