
Spaz Character

Decent Essays

The Last Book in the Universe takes place in a post-apocalyptic setting with the main character Spaz. The name of the author who made The Last Book in the Universe is Rodman Philbrick. The main character Spaz has a condition called Epilepsy which is why he was named Spaz. His character really changed throughout the story and you start to learn about his history. Spaz is definitely one of the most interesting characters throughout the book. Another interesting character in the book would be Lanaya you can see how her personality changes during the book and how she views things.

The main character Spaz had a very interesting background/history that the author starts to explain in chapter six “The thing about bean”. Spaz originally lived with his foster parents Charlie and Kay he also lived with his little sister Bean. After Spaz had helped Bean because she was …show more content…

After the message he had enough reasoning and motivation to go to her. He brought Ryter because Ryter knew the way through the tunnels and Little Face followed them. You could tell his change in personality when he had heard about Bean being sick instead of having the “nobody matters but me attitude” he started getting hope and caring more for others throughout the book.

His epilepsy wasn’t his only defect he acted brave and tough but when it came down to it he would get scared and not move. On page 132 Spaz says “I was so scared. Too scared to do anything but run. Too scared, even, to think about Bean.” After that he starts realizing how much of a coward he can be and he starts to feel depressed. One thing that was a defect was that he always blamed everything or everyone else for his problems. Whenever something bad happened or went wrong he would usually blame Ryter or Lanaya. However towards the end of the book he redeems his

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