
The Grey Natural History

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The Grey Defining Natural History
Natural history can be defined in many ways. It could be the development of a disease or bacteria, the study of natural objects or, a treatise on some aspect of nature. The Grey provides a prime example how humans affect the natural state of an ecosystem. The Grey is a movie about an oil company in Alaska flying men to go home for vacation. These men end up in a gruesome plane crash. Seven of the men survive including a skilled survivalist. On their journey home, they face rough weather and are being hunted by a pack of wolves. This movie provides information on how to survive a plane crash and the natural elements of Alaska. Alaska is known as the last frontier because it has not been overexploited like the …show more content…

An oil company came into Alaska and hired a sniper to kill any wolves that attempt to kill the workers. Due to the oil company arriving in Alaska resulted in habitat loss for all the animals in that area. This affects wildlife’s hunting grounds, homes, and food supply. The hired sniper which is Ottway kills the wolves that are hunting to survive. This sniper studies the natural history of wolves. Throughout the movie, he releases details pertaining to wolves’ keystone niches and territorial habits. Due to this company now placed in Alaska, the wolves are now limited. The sniper is also killing a keystone species. Alaska is full of wildlife and in order to have a balanced ecosystem, wolves are required. Wolves help regulate populations of smaller predators and prey. Regulating the smaller predator and prey population allows plants to grow and their roots prevent erosion around streams and fields. When wolves are not present in a habitat prey increases and overgrazing occurs. When wolves kill their prey the remains of the carcass fill the ground full of nutrients. Wolves even affect fish populations. Wolves are included in the trophic cascade phenomenon. Wolf populations have a huge effect on other species populations and …show more content…

The oil company went to Alaska for oil that is not a controlled substance. The oil company will take as much oil out of the land as they want. The presence of the refinery and the workers has caused the wolves to hunt unlikely prey, which would be the workers. These wolves are shot and killed because they are following their niche and hunting for survival. The wolves are going to continue being killed if they hunt the workers and it is not going to change because the company is bringing in revenue for Alaska. The oil refinery leads to roads being built for transportation along with the logging companies. These roads cause habitat fragmentation. Animals are killed on these roads and they create isolation of ecosystems. Eventually, Alaska is going to be filled with roads like the rest of the United States. When ecosystems become isolated, animal biodiversity decreases due to less breeding options and lead to habitat loss. The oil refinery created an edge effect. The environment directly by the refinery had limited biodiversity unlike the forest surrounding it. When the airplane crashed in the movie in the middle of the tundra it changed its natural environment. The wolves did not have to hunt for the food because there were dead bodies everywhere. The plane crash also polluted this habitat. The fuel from the plane dripped into the soil along with other chemicals held in the motor of the plane. Debris from the plane is

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