
Women 's Rights Of Women

Decent Essays

Women can not drive, can not leave the house without male permission, and are only considered half a witness;which is half of what a male is. Today they are not treated equally and never have been, they are also being treated differently around the world. They need to be treated the same and equally as men are. Females are capable of the same things men can do and should be allowed to. Many women have protested in Women’s Rights Movements and now some things are starting to change, but not all. Women in Saudi Arabia can not drive until 2018, Women have been protesting their right, little but not all things have changed, and around the world women are treated unspeakably. Women around the world should have the same rights as men. …show more content…

6, 1990, they staged a public protest against their country 's ban on women driving. For half an hour, they drove their cars in a convoy around the capital city of Riyadh until they were stopped by police (Murphy).” After the protest, no effect was taken until more than 25 years later. As well as the issue of women protesting for their rights for over 165 years, yet in some places they still do not have the rights they were fighting for. The History Channel says, “In 1848, a group of abolitionist activists–mostly women, but some men–gathered in Seneca Falls, New York to discuss the problem of women’s rights (“The Fight”).” Today women still do not have the same rights as men . After the convention nothing was really changed until 1920, when millions of american women protested for their rights. The History Channels states, “On Election Day in 1920, millions of American women exercised their right to vote for the first time. It took activists and reformers nearly 100 years to win that right, and the campaign was not easy (The Fight).” Women have been battling the hardship of trying to get the rights they deserve, they have even been put in jail for protesting, yet on August 26, 1920 women finally got the right they wanted most, women were allowed to vote that day and many will never forget it. Women continue to protest all around the world and not just in the United States, Caryle Murphy again of NPR radio station

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