
Women's Rights In The 1920s Essay

Decent Essays

In American History, the 1920s was an emerging decade that consisted of the women suffrage, government corruption, and the Great Migration. Known as the “Roaring Twenties”, America would begin a series of cultural advancements for men, women, and African-Americans from the monopolies in the industry to women gaining the right to vote, Africa-Americans migrating through the states, and prohibition. Despite the fact that America was prosperous in certain areas such as woman getting the right to vote and the economy staying on track for a while, they were misleading when it came to certain events such as the oligopoly and African-Americans being treated as second class citizens with segregation being “separate but equal”. Beginning in the early 1900s, women started the women’s suffrage in order to gain the right the vote and receive equal rights as men. Women would walk the streets as they would protest and make their presence known and their voices heard. Many women were arrested and brutally hurt in the struggle to gain equal rights. After years of fighting, the 19th amendment was passed and gave women the right to vote. Even though women were given the right to vote, they were far away from receiving equal rights as men. A woman can have a more educated background compared to a man and would still make less than the average …show more content…

However, many scandals occurred when it came to the economy. The Teapot Dome Scandal was one of the first of many scandals to come. The Teapot Dome Scandal consisted of Albert Fall leasing petroleum reserves in the Teapot Dome in Wyoming (Goldberg, ed., The American Journey, 693). This happened under the administration of Warren G. Harding and would tarnish his reputation. This scandal proves how corrupt the government is and what they will do to try to cover up illegal activity in order to save themselves for their own selfish reasons and demises for personal

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